FAMILIES OF 500 & 1000
Family promise provides hospitality and support for families, not just a shelter. You can become a:
Family of 500 by pledging to donate $500 (41.66 monthly) or more every year over a period of 3 years.
Family of 1000 by pledging to donate $1000 ($81.33 monthly) or more every year over a period of 3 years.
When you do this, you not only help guarantee Family Promise of Juneau a solid financial base, but more so, you will help provide families of Juneau with:
A safe place to sleep, eat, bathe, store their belongings, receive mail, and do laundry.
Support and love from a case manager and congregational volunteers.
Transportation assistance.
Budget, parenting and vocational training.
Assistance in saving for a down payment on housing.
A piece of mind while they focus on things to get back on their feet.
FAMILIES OF 500 & 1000
Circle of 500 and Circle of 1000 are identical to Family of 500 and Family of 1000, but they refer to organizations, groups and religious affiliates that make the same pledge. To become one of our Circle of 500 or Circle of 1000 fill out the same form above and designate what your group would like to pledge for the next 3 years.
FPJ'S Families of 1000:
Alan and Mana Akiyama
Erik and Janelle Anderson
James and Jean Alter
Dale and Honeybee Anderson
Mary Capobianco
Randy Coleman and Lisa Lindeman
Melinda and Tom Cosgrove
Chris and Kathy Crenshaw
Jacque Farnsworth
Edward Flanagan
Kimberly Kiefer and Pat McLear
Barb & Ronald Kreher
Jon & Anne Kurland
Don and Janet Kussart
Mary Lou Madden
Anthony and Amanda Mallott
Julie Neyhart
Elfrida Nord
Julie North
Joe and Julie Orsi
Joseph Pagenkopf
Scott and Annette Ranger
Kate Troll
Linda Wild
Chapel by the Lake
Church of the Nazarene
Loyal Order of the Moose - Lodge 700
Ḵunéix̱ Hídi Northern Light United Church Community of Christian Women
Resurrection Lutheran
Southeast Mine Supply
FPJ'S Families of 500:
Jack and Margie Beedle
Barbara Bechtold & John Tomaro
Nico and Susan Bus
Jennifer and Shane Carson
Mike and Sara Chambers
Debera Cokeley
Odette Edgar
Mary and Thomas Fitterer
Vickie Gartley
Carla Goeransson and Thomas Chapple
Jim Grammel & Ann Gifford
Rebecca Hall
Stephanie Hoag & John Staub
Eileen Hosey
Sean & Jennifer Huntley
Catherine Johnson
Beverly and Keith Kelton
Madeleine Lefebvre and Dave Dierdorff
Carrie Macaulay
Carol May
Linda McCargar and George Partlow
Michael McMullen
Peter and Jane Mores
Cynthia and David Morris
Cynthia D Morris
Myra Munson
Julie and Gordy Olson
Josephine Pegues
April Rezendes & Randy Peterson
Kirt and Tari Stage-Harvey
Mike and Andi Story
Michelle and Steve Strickler
Brendan Vaughn & Shannon Fisher
Karlynn and Richard Welling
Bridget Weiss
Becky Monagle
Keith Heller and Deb Spencer
Eric Peter and Joanne Mason
Dave and Valorie Ringle
Shepherd of the Valley